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Travel Geniee’s core values are identity, culture, purpose, integrity, accountability, innovation, customer service, teamwork, diversity, sustainability, and community involvement. We believe in providing personalized travel experiences while upholding responsible tourism practices, building long-term relationships with our clients, supporting local communities, and promoting sustainable practices in all our operations. Our team is committed to continuous learning and development to enhance our skills and knowledge to provide better service to our clients.

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FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est. Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat an.


Planning a trip to Nathula Pass, Gurudongmar Lake, or Zero Point with little ones under 5? Think again! It’s a breathtaking journey, but these high-altitude wonders aren’t suitable for tiny tots.

High Altitudes, Little Lungs! When traveling with children in the high-altitude zones, remember to pack precautionary medicines, warm clothing (Portable Oxygen Cylinders, Medicated Inhalers, jackets, gloves, caps, mufflers, and ear caps) to keep them snug and cozy.

For families with kids dealing with breathing issues, asthma, or physical disorders, it’s better to give these spots a miss. Safety and health are our top priorities.

Remember, adventure is wonderful, but keeping your loved ones safe and sound is priceless!


Since you are Travelling alone ,It is best to haver it all that you require with Yourself.

Keep in Touch with Your Travel Agent while reaching and leaving Destination in Itinerary .

Avoid sharing too much personal Information with Fellow Traveller and Locals that you find on the way.

Use anti-theft Bags and accessories.

Keep copies of important documents in a separate place.


If you have any specific need about your Room Type Please do not hesitate to tell us, we will make it available for you.

Various rooms are available in Different Hotels, which comes with different price ranges. It will be selected according to your preferences.


For foreign travellers Copy of Visa ,Identity Proof and pass port size photographs are must to apply permit in different places in Sikkim.

We need Copy of Visa 10 days prior to travel date.


For National Travellers it is mandatory to provide there documents 3 days prior of travel date. For International Traveller documents must be provided 10 days prior .

*For national travellers it is important to note that ADHAAR CARD will not work to apply for permit, Travellers must provide there Voter Card ,Driving License or Passport,(any of one) along with clear photo copy of Pass port size photograph of each traveller.


For National Travellers it is mandatory to provide there documents 3 days prior of travel date. For International Traveller documents must be provided 10 days prior .

*For national travellers it is important to note that ADHAAR CARD will not work to apply for permit, Travellers must provide there Voter Card ,Driving License or Passport,(any of one) along with clear photo copy of Pass port size photograph of each traveller.


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    If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask!

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